Schulz, Detlef (Hrsg.)

Neuer Buchtitel!

NEIS 2023

Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Hamburg, September 4 – 5, 2023

2023, 304 Seiten, Din A4, Broschur
ISBN 978-3-8007-6134-0, E-Book: ISBN 978-3-8007-6135-7
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort

The annual NEIS conference is hosted by the chair of Electrical Power Systems of the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. Since 2013 it provides a forum for scientists and experts to discuss prospective and recent developments in the fields of energy supply and energy storage technologies.

This year's conference continues to focus on electrical power grids and grid-related aspects, including load management, power system measurements and identification techniques, energy storage systems, and the integration of electric mobility into the grid.

Detlef Schulz received the Dipl.-Ing. in 1997 from Technical University Cottbus, Germany. From 1997 to 1999 he was with ABB Industrial Automation in Cottbus. In 2002 he received the Dr.-Ing. degree from the Technical University Berlin, Germany. The venia legendi was finished at the Technical University Berlin in 2006. From 2004 to 2005 he was a Professor for Electrical Engineering and Wind Energy at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven/Competence Center Wind Energy. Since 2005 he has been a Full Professor and the Head of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Bundeswehr, Hamburg, Germany. His research areas are electrical power systems and on-board electrical systems: grid integration and grid conformity of distributed generation and electro-mobility, grid impedance measurement, grid protection and internal electrical control of fuel cells. The research is assigned to the DLab – Distributed Energy Laboratory. He is a Full Member and since 2019 a spokesmen of the working group "Hydrogen for Northern Germany" of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, a member of the VDE ETG and senior member of IEEE. Since 2013 he is Member of the Board of the Research Association Wind Energy and other Distributed Energies – FGW and since 2020 CEO of the Board of the "Grid Impedance Association".

From Opportunities to Obstacles: Advantages and Threats of Power System Digitalization

Autoren: Mollaiee, Ali; Hashemian, Sayed Mehran; Jorjani, Mohsen; Stefanov, Alexandru; Palensky, Peter


Towards a Set of Bus-Splitting Topologies for Congestion Management

Autoren: Librandi, Mariano Dominguez; Stenzel, Daniel; Witzmann, Rolf; Hitzeroth, Helmuth; Kaes, Nicolas; Bopp, Siew


Frequency-Dependent Grid Impedance Measurement on Low-, Medium- and High-Voltage Level

Autoren: Kaiser, Sebastian; Heupel, Florian; Gilsdorf, Johannes; Eyhorn, Steffen; Rogalla, Soenke





Identification of the frequency behaviour of a power plant during a load step in a microgrid

Autoren: Muetherig, Maximilian; Puleo, Giuseppe; Zdrallek, Markus; Schoenbauer, Andrea


Bibliographic Review on Power Oscillation Detection Methods

Autoren: Bernal-Sancho, Marta; Comech, Maria Paz; Galan-Hernandez, Noemi


Methodology for identification of controller parameters of a diesel generator in islanded grid operation

Autoren: Bernecker-Castro, Claudia; Timmermann, Johanna; Mecinaj, Drinor; Witzmann, Rolf; Lechner, Tobias; Seifried, Sebastian; Finkel, Michael; Schaarschmidt, Kathrin; Herrmann, Steffen


Optimal Design of Energy Storage System for Peak-Shaving in Industrial Production

Autoren: Li, Lixin; Starosta, Anna Sina; Schwarz, Bernhard; Munzke, Nina; Strehle, Hanns-Martin; Richter, Mark; Hiller, Marc


Facing the energy crisis: implementing short-term measures to reduce costs and emissions at industrial manufacturing sites

Autoren: van Ouwerkerk, Jonas; Brucksch, Jonas; Bussar, Christian; Sauer, Dirk Uwe


Hybrid Uninterruptible Power Supply in Industrial Microgrids

Autoren: Klocke, Johanna; Vogt, Thorsten; Ruewald, Timo



Decarbonizing Heavy Industry by Using Green Electricity and Hydrogen – A Case Study of a Glass Production Site

Autoren: Brucksch, Jonas; van Ouwerkerk, Jonas; Bussar, Christian; Sauer, Dirk Uwe


Simulation-aided evaluation of regulatory requirements for control in the low-voltage grid

Autoren: Mueller, Nils Alexander; Reinkoester, Nils; Schuster, Merten; Engel, Bernd



Geo-referenced Synthetic Medium-voltage Distribution Networks: A Data-Driven Approach

Autoren: Bandam, Abhilash; Gross, Theresa; Linssen, Jochen; Stolten, Detlef


Bidirectional Electric Vehicles Field Trial Data Set

Autoren: Ostermann, Adrian; Haug, Theodor; Hahne, Helena; Hinterstocker, Michael


Methodology for Impact Analysis of Electric Vehicles on Distribution Networks

Autoren: Eisenkraemer, Pedro Henrique; Ortiz, Mauro dos Santos; Bernardon, Daniel Pinheiro; Wolter, Martin



Concept for a cloud-based holistic energy management of domestic appliances to stabilize the energy supply and the power grid

Autoren: Stieren, Stephan; Wichtrup, Moritz; Henke, Christian; Traechtler, Ansgar


Honey Badger Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of Li-ion Battery 3rd Order ECM

Autoren: Merrouche, Walid; Lekouaghet, Badis; Bouguenna, Elouahab


CPU-FPGA Platform for Real-Time Simulation of Hybrid Medium-Voltage AC/DC Grids

Autoren: Stevic, Marija; Hubschneider, Sebastian; Venugopal, Ravinder


Investigation of DC circuit breaker with extinguishing chamber at reduced ambient pressure for an application in avionics

Autoren: Zeng, Franke; Kopp, Tobias; Boesche, Dirk; Claassen, Lars; Vieth, Patrick; Teroede, Michael; Kurrat, Michael



Development of an Adaptive MAV Platform for Autonomous Inspection of High Voltage Power Lines

Autoren: Battseren, Batbayar; Tudevdagva, Uranchimeg; Hardt, Wolfram; Bilegt, Dashdavaa


A computer-assisted Faulted Phase Selection Algorithm for dealing with the effects of Renewable Resources in Smart grids

Autoren: Villen, Maria Teresa; Comech, Maria Paz; Martinez, Eduardo; Matute, Roberto; Olivan, M.A.; Prada, Anibal; Saldana, Jose



Role of stationary energy storage systems in large-scale bus depots in the case of atypical grid usage

Autoren: Eskander, Mina; Jahic, Amra; Avdevicius, Edvard; Soliman, Ramy; Schulz, Detlef


Optimal Power Flow for Multi-Use Case Operation of Integrated DC Sections in Distribution Systems

Autoren: Engel, Merlin; Newe, Hannes; Deters, Sebastian; Becker, Christian



Reactive Power Planning in Transmission Grid considering Short Term Voltage Stability – STATCOM or SYNCON?

Autoren: Bose, Soupayan; Librandi, Mariano Dominguez; Witzmann, Rolf; Iason Dizes, Spyridon; Schmidt, Joerg Michael; Momeni, Mojtaba


Baseload Concepts for Increasing Fuel Cell Durability in Aircraft Multi-Powertrain Operation

Autoren: Bahe, Ben; Baum, Lukas; Grumm, Florian; Schulz, Detlef


A Multi-Energy Fuel Cell Model in the Extended Node Method

Autoren: Vorwerk, Daniela; Schumann, Marc; Schulz, Detlef


Analysis and Characterization of the Energy Consumption in an Electric Bus Fleet

Autoren: Jablonski, Sammy; Tepe, Benedikt; Zhao, Yuqing; Jossen, Andreas



Smart e-mobility: user potential in Germany today and in the future

Autoren: Vollmuth, Patrick; Ganz, Kirstin; Kern, Timo


Prioritized EV Charging – Enhanced Smart Meter Gateway infrastructure enabling an event driven flexibility tariff

Autoren: Grandel, Matthias; Kuebler, Claudius; Niehs, Eike; Wachenfeld, Volker; Engel, Bernd