Schulz, Detlef (Hrsg.)

NEIS 2020

Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems Hamburg, 14 – 15 September 2020

2020, 294 Seiten, Din A4, Broschur
ISBN 978-3-8007-5359-8, E-Book: ISBN 978-3-8007-5360-4
Persönliche VDE-Mitglieder erhalten auf diesen Titel 10% Rabatt

Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort

With the ongoing transition of the electrical power system to a more sustainable generation structure we need new ideas and solutions for a safe and reliable energy supply. We named the NEIS event "Conference on sustainable energy supply and integration of energy storage systems". This implies that the future power system design demands a sustainable approach with several contributions and ideas from different application fields.
The NEIS 2020 was the eighth conference event, providing an annual occasion for scientists to present their current work. A special focus of this years conference was placed on electrical power grids and relevant aspects such as power system planning, management and monitoring, as well as innovative protection methods and electromobility.
Three keynote speakers from the UK, Germany and Denmark gave an insight into the newest developments in the field of future power systems and the challenges that we are facing on that way.
Detlef Schulz received the Dipl.-Ing. in 1997 from Technical University Cottbus, Germany. From 1997 to 1999 he was with ABB Industrial Automation in Cottbus. In 2002 he received the Dr.-Ing. degree from the Technical University Berlin, Germany. The venia legendi was finished at the Technical University Berlin in 2006. From 2004 to 2005 he was a Professor for Electrical Engineering and Wind Energy at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven/Competence Center Wind Energy. Since 2005 he has been a Full Professor and the Head of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Bundeswehr, Hamburg, Germany. His research areas are electrical power systems and on-board electrical systems: grid integration and grid conformity of distributed generation and electro-mobility, grid impedance measurement, grid protection and internal electrical control of fuel cells. The research is assigned to the DLab – Distributed Energy Laboratory. He is a member of the VDE ETG and IEEE PES and a Full Member of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg. Since 2005 he is a member and since 2017 a senior member of IEEE. Since 2013 he is CEO of the Board of the Research Association Wind Energy and other Distributed Energies – FGW.

The multiDC project: Research Towards a Holistic Integration of HVDC Links into Large-Scale AC Power Systems

Autoren: Weckesser, Tilman; Misyris, Georgios; Obradovic, Danilo; Tosatto, Andrea; Eriksson, Robert; Ghandhari, Mehrdad; Bastin, Betrand; Van Cutsem, Thierry; Chatzivasileiadis, Spyros


Potential of EV Charging Stations for MV Grid Voltage Support

Autoren: Brueske, Sebastian; Langwasser, Marius; Goetze, Jens; Gao, Xiang; Liserre, Marco



Exploration of Computational Intelligence Strategies for Increasing the Degree of Self-Sufficiency of Microgrids

Autoren: Raedle, Stefan; Mast, Johannes; Gerlach, Joachim; Bringmann, Oliver


Data aggregation impacts on sizing of battery used for peak shaving

Autoren: Gloria, Luan Leao; Badeda, Julia; Viernstein, Lorenz



Flexible Load Profile Generation Algorithm for an Incentive- and Time-Based Demand Response Program

Autoren: Mohseni, Nasratullah; Adnan Shihab, Mohammad; Myrzik, Johanna




Asymmetric Overvoltage Protection Levels for DC/DC-Converters

Autoren: Schork, Franz; Brocke, Ralph


Hybrid PLL Structure for Improvement of the Dynamic Performance of Grid-Connected Converters

Autoren: Schaekel, Nils; Neufeld, Alexander; Hofmann, Lutz


Potential of Modular Multilevel Converter Technology providing Synthetic Inertia and AC Frequency Support for AC Grids

Autoren: Porst, Johannis; Richter, Michael; Biller, Michael; Luther, Matthias



A state estimation algorithm for the monitoring of distribution grids in absence of pseudo-measurements

Autoren: Pau, Marco; Dinkelbach, Jan; Ponci,  Ferdinanda; Monti, Antonello


Determination of a Frequency-Dependent Open Circuit Transformer Model through Grid Impedance Measurements

Autoren: Meyer, Marc Florian; Grumm, Florian; Plenz, Maik; Schulz, Detlef


Application of artificial intelligence in power grid state analysis and -diagnosis

Autoren: Winter, Andreas; Igel, Michael; Schegner, Peter


Pseudo-worst-case forecast for a preventive control in LV smart grids

Autoren: Balouchi, Razieh; Weisenstein, Marco; Wellssow, Wolfram H.


Investigation of inventive Tuning Algorithm for the Realization of Digital Twins of Inverter Model in Inverter-dominated Power Distribution Grid

Autoren: Song, Xinya; Cai, Hui; Kircheis, Jan; Jiang, Teng; Schlegel, Steffen; Westermann, Dirk



Bidirectional Charging Management – Developing a measurement concept for pilot operation in Germany

Autoren: Ostermann, Adrian; Mueller, Mathias; Faller, Sebastian


National 5G Energy Hub – A Future-Oriented Communication Architecture for Electrical and Thermal Energy Systems

Autoren: Krahmer, Sebastian; Knorr, Martin; Wiemann, Stephan; Gasch, Etienne; Sychev, Ilya; Kozak, Wojciech; Seifert, Joachim; Schegner, Peter




Anomaly detection by comparing photovoltaic systems with machine learning methods

Autoren: Benninger, Moritz; Hofmann, Martina; Liebschner, Marcus



Artificial neural networks to predict the node voltages in a low-voltage grid

Autoren: Schulte, Katrin; Kelker, Michael; Haubrock, Jens


Modular Experimental Plant for Industrial DC Grid with Controlled Electrical Drives

Autoren: Warkentin, Slavi; Austermann, Johann; Borcherding, Holger



Investigation of network protection coordination with changed reactive power flows in the future grid

Autoren: Eichner, Stefan; Arshad, Muhammad Arslan; Grab, Robin


Generation of Synthetic Distribution Grids for Sensitivity Studies on the Impact of E-Mobility

Autoren: Sprey, Julian M.; Jaschek, Alexander M.; Wahl, Mirko; Moser, Albert





Direct Harmonic Compensation for Grid-Connected DC/AC Converter

Autoren: Zacharias, Peter; Aganza-Torres, Alejandro; Muench, Manuel


Electricity theft detection via time series analysis of state estimation measurement residuals

Autoren: Ban, Hemanta; Pau, Marco; Pirak, Chaiyod; Ponci, Ferdinanda; Monti, Antonello



Using Prosumer Flexibility through a Direct Energy Market

Autoren: Holzhauer, Sascha; Krebs, Friedrich; Schoen, Andrea; Braun, Martin


A Strategy to Parameterize Q(U) Control to Enhance Voltage Stability using a Centralized Based Method

Autoren: Ampofo, Desmond Okwabi; Abdelsamad, Ahmed; Asmah, Marilyn W.; Myrzik, Johanna M. A.


Short-Circuit Behavior of a PEM Fuel Cell Stack under Various Operating Conditions

Autoren: Schumann, Marc; Grumm, Florian; Cosse, Carsten; Plenz, Maik; Schulz, Detlef




Development of Synthetic Load Profiles of Companies in the Tertiary Sector in Germany

Autoren: Mann, Pierre; Selimaj, Antigona; Moser, Albert