Agricultural On-Demand Networks for 6G enabled by THz Communication

Konferenz: European Wireless 2024 - 29th European Wireless Conference
09.09.2024-11.09.2024 in Brno, Czech Republic

Tagungsband: European Wireless 2024

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Lindenschmitt, Daniel; Fischer, Christoph; Haussmann, Simon; Kalter, Marc; Kallfass, Ingmar; Schotten, Hans D.

The transforming process in the scope of agriculture towards Smart Agriculture is an essential step to fulfill growing demands in respect to nourishment. Crucial challenges include establishing robust wireless communication in rural areas, enabling collaboration among agricultural machines, and integrating artificial intelligence into farming practices. Addressing these challenges necessitates a consistent communication system, with wireless communication emerging as a key enabler. Cellular technologies, as 5G and its successor 6G, can offer a comprehensive solution here. Leveraging technologies following the ITU-R M. 2160 recommendation like THz communication, low-latency wireless AI, and embedded sensing, can provide a flexible and energy-efficient infrastructure. This paper introduces on-demand networks based on the OpenRAN approach and a 7.2 functional split. By implementing THz front-hauling between components, a flexible application of 5G or future 6G networks can be realized. Experiments demonstrate that THz communication is suitable for data transmission over the eCPRI interface, particularly in terms of data rate, thereby reducing the need for wired alternatives such as fiber optic cables. Furthermore, limitations such as limited range are discussed, and possible initial solutions are presented. The integration of the OpenRAN standard further enhances flexibility, which is crucial in dynamic agricultural environments. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the transformative potential of 6G-enabled wireless communication in shaping the future of smart agriculture.