Modular Synthesis of DC Grids through Ordinary Differential Equations
Konferenz: PESS 2024 - Power and Energy Student Summit
21.10.2024-23.10.2024 in Dresden, Germany
Tagungsband: PESS 2024 – IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit,
Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
Wichmann, Anton; Annuth, Robert; Becker, Christian
The ongoing penetration of the electrical grids by converter-interfaced generation poses new challenges for stability analysis. This paper provides a new methodology for modular synthesis of complex grids via ordinary differential equations as a basis for a subsequent possible small-signal stability analysis. The methodology is demonstrated on a DC wind park topology with voltage-controlled turbines. After linearizing the nonlinear system at its operating point, the linear state-space model can be obtained to calculate eigenvalues and participation factors. The objective is to present a clear and rigorous methodology, along with a transparent mathematical derivation of the system equations.