More than an Evolution: a New Power MOSFET Technology for Higher Efficiency of Power Supplies

Konferenz: PCIM Asia 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
29.08.2023-31.08.2023 in Shanghai, China


Tagungsband: PCIM Asia 2023

Seiten: 7Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Song, Owen (Infineon Semiconductors Company Ltd., China)
Siemieniec, Ralf; Mazzer, Simone; Braz, Cesar; Noebauer, Gerhard; Hutzler, Michael; Laforet, David; Pree, Elias; Ferrara, Alessandro (Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Austria)

This work introduces our latest trench MOSFET technology released to the market. Based on the advantages of a revolutionary new cell design combined with the benefits of an advanced manufacturing technology, the new device technology family combines the benefits of low conduction losses and superior switching performances with an extended SOA and high ruggedness. These balanced features make the devices an ideal fit especially for high switching frequency applications, supporting the trend towards significantly higher efficiency while enabling designs for higher power densities and cost effectiveness. The efficiency is studied in different applications.