Transient Stability of Generator Groups: Factors of Influence and Countermeasures

Konferenz: NEIS 2022 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems
26.09.2022 - 27.09.2022 in Hamburg, Germany

Tagungsband: NEIS 2022

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Scheifele, Daniel; Lens, Hendrik (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Transient stability is an essential property of electrical power systems. It describes the ability of the system to maintain synchronous operation of all generators. Classically, transient stability of individual generators is analyzed based on possible loss of synchronism after near short-circuit faults. In contrast, this paper considers transient stability of generator groups. First, the paper describes the phenomenon and explains how it plays an increasingly important role for power system stability in the context of the energy transition. Subsequently, essential factors of influence are identified and underlying correlations are shown. Finally, selected countermeasures are presented and their effectiveness is examined.