Research on small disturbance stability analysis method of wind power grid connected system based on Thevenin equivalent
Konferenz: EMIE 2022 - The 2nd International Conference on Electronic Materials and Information Engineering
15.04.2022 - 17.04.2022 in Hangzhou, China
Tagungsband: EMIE 2022
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
Li, Jinwei; Han, Xueshan; Li, Tong (School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China)
The external system mainly affects the small disturbance stability of the wind farm through the power flow. Through Thevenin equivalence, the external system model can be simplified without changing the impact of the external system on the power flow of the wind farm. In this paper, the external system of doubly fed wind power is simplified by Thevenin equivalence, and the wind power Thevenin equivalence model is constructed. The small disturbance stability of the model is analyzed by modal analysis method, and the small disturbance modes dominated by wind power and participated by external systems are obtained. The example shows that the above method can quickly and accurately obtain the mode of wind power leadingly participating system, which will be advantageous for the large-scale development and utilization of new energy.