Moving target imaging for vortex electromagnetic wave radar

Konferenz: EEI 2022 - 4th International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Informatics
24.06.2022 - 26.06.2022 in Guiyang, China

Tagungsband: EEI 2022

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Bu, Lijun; Guo, Qiqi; Chen, Yijun; Xie, Wenxuan (Engineering University of the Peoples Armed Police, Xian, Shanxi, China)

The wave front of vortex electromagnetic wave (VEMW) is spiral in spatial distribution, and different orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes L are orthogonal to each other, which effectively improves the imaging and detection ability of radar. However, range migration, Doppler dimension expansion, azimuth ambiguity and other problems will inevitably be encountered in the echo signal of moving targets. To solve this problem, this paper analyzes the moving target imaging based on vortex electromagnetic wave, and deduces the imaging model of moving target. On this basis, keystone transform is introduced to correct the range walk, and then the error phase term obtained by theoretical analysis is compensated. The simulation results show that the imaging quality is effectively improved.