Calculation and Analysis of Electron Transport Parameters in Gas Discharge
Konferenz: ECITech 2022 - The 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Control and Information Technology
25.03.2022 - 27.03.2022 in Kunming, China
Tagungsband: ECITech 2022
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
Li, Yong; Hua, Weizhuo; Chen, Ge (Aviation Engineering School, Air Force Engineering University Xian, China)
Electron transport parameters (electron mobility, electron diffusion coefficient, ionization rate coefficient) is very important parameter about fluid models of gas discharge. In general, we have the electron energy distribution function by using solving the Boltzmann equation in plasma discharge and then can calculated electron transport parameters. This article solved the electron Boltzmann equation (BE) under the freely available name BOLSIG+, and analysis mode parameters (reduced electric, ionization degree, field frequency) influence on Electron transport parameters and provide reliable data information to gas discharge mode. Numeration results show, with increase of reduced electric, air and methane high energy electron number increase, mean energy also increase, mobility reduce ,but diffusion coefficients have different trend; With increase of ionization degree, high energy electron number increase, and electron energy distribution function change inconspicuous when ionization degree less than10-3,the mobility and ionization rate coefficients increase, but diffusion coefficients have litter reduce; With increase of ionization degree, high energy electron number decrease, mean energy also decrease, mobility and diffusion coefficients have also decrease different degree.