Realization of BCI System based on SSVEP for Disabled Elederly

Konferenz: ISMSEE 2022 - The 2nd International Symposium on Mechanical Systems and Electronic Engineering
25.02.2022 - 27.02.2022 in Zhuhai, China

Tagungsband: ISMSEE 2022

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Yue, Cui; Limei, Song (Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology, Jinan, China)

With the development of elderly care service and management, the digital products are more and more widely used in the elderly. This paper designed and realized the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) System of a wheelchair for the disabled elederly. The wheelchair can be controled by the eyes and can drive and turn round, so it can liberate the feet of the elderly. The BCI system is based on the Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) and realized on the platform of OMAP3530, it mainly includes the visual stimulus module, the EEG signal acquisition module, the bridge forwarding module, the data processing module, the control module and the wheelchair. This paper designed and selected four frequency to initiate the relative evoked potentials in cerebral cortex, and then does the feature extraction and feature calssfication through the algorithm of Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), finally to control the wheelchair. The system can get accuracy of ninety percent with the sliding windows, and the man-machine interaction time is controlled within two seconds, it can meet the actual needs completely.