Aero-engine dynamic modeling based on flight parameter data and BP neural network

Konferenz: MEMAT 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Technology
07.01.2022 - 09.01.2022 in Guilin, China

Tagungsband: MEMAT 2022

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Li, Shuaiguo; Peng, Jingbo; Wang, Weixuan (Aviation Engineering School, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an, China)

The aero-engine is a large and complex system, and the research and use of simulation technology can greatly reduce the cost and difficulty of learning, training and, experimental research. Based on the flight parameter data and the engine control plan, this paper uses computer simulation technology to establish the steady-state process neural network model of the engine, and adopts the process fitting method to establish the transient state process engine model. Finally, by integrating the transition state model and the steady state model, the development of the aero-engine dynamic model is completed. Since the development of the model is based on real flight parameter data, it has high simulation accuracy and can achieve better simulation results.