Standardization Analysis of Manufacturing Technical Specifications for Imported Civilian Nuclear Safety-level Intelligent Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants
Konferenz: MEMAT 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Technology
07.01.2022 - 09.01.2022 in Guilin, China
Tagungsband: MEMAT 2022
Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
Yang, Jingyuan; Yao, Yuan; Yang, Chenggang; Chen, Yangyang; Yang, Zhijia (Imported Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment Registration and Inspection Office, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Centre MEE, Beijing, China)
The technical specifications provide a comprehensive and accurate description of the requirements that products, services, materials or processes must meet, and control the design of equipment in a targeted manner, thereby improving the quality control level of nuclear power plant equipment. This paper studies the chapter settings and main content of the technical specifications of imported civilian nuclear safety sensors for nuclear power plants, and analyze the design requirements of a certain project pressure sensor, platinum thermistor appraisal requirements and the factory test items of common smart devices, provide technical reference for the manufacturing of smart equipment in nuclear power plants.