Electric Bus Charging Scheduling Strategy Algorithm for Existing Line Operation

Konferenz: ISCTT 2021 - 6th International Conference on Information Science, Computer Technology and Transportation
26.11.2021 - 28.11.2021 in Xishuangbanna, China

Tagungsband: ISCTT 2021

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Shi, Yiru (Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China)

Vehicle scheduling problem of electric bus is more complex than traditional bus. Electric bus not only needs to consider the feasibility of traversal time, but also consider mileage constraints. This paper starts from the perspective of enterprises, while ensuring the credibility of the original line, the minimum, the shortest vehicle free time is the shortest, and the cost of charging cost is minimized. Finally, this paper uses 78 trips of the existing bus line in a city as a case, and use our model to get the electric bus charging strategy.