Exploring the RBSOA Boundaries of a 6.5kV/1000A Trench Gate IGBT Module at Different Temperatures
Konferenz: PCIM Europe digital days 2020 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
07.07.2020 - 08.07.2020 in Deutschland
Tagungsband: PCIM Europe digital days 2020
Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
Ngwendson, Luther-King; Deviny, Ian; Coulbeck, Lee; Su, Arthur; Islam, Ariful (Dynex Semiconductor Ltd, UK)
Under fault conditions especially in HVDC applications, IGBT modules in a series or parallel configuration may have to withstand very high line voltages(Vline) and still expected to turn-off safely. Under such extreme conditions the devices are usually operating outside their datasheet recommended RBSOA where turn-off can be limited by increased dynamic avalanche, which increases turn-off energy loss (Eoff). Excessive Eoff impacts reliability by accelerating wear out and increase the likelyhood of thermal runaway and device destruction. In this paper, we explore Dynex’s 6.5kV/1000A Trench gate IGBT module RBSOA at extremely high voltages and at different temperatures. Based on experimental results and simulation study, some recommendatons for improvements are proposed, regarding device design to reduce dynamic avalanche and time under SSCM (Switching Self-Clamping Mode).