A Delay Estimation of Rescheduling Schemes for Static Scheduled Processor Architectures

Konferenz: ARCS 2009 - 22th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
11.03.2009 in Delft, The Netherlands

Tagungsband: ARCS 2009

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Schölzel, M. (Brandenburg University of Technology, Computer Engineering Group, Cottbus, Germany)

We compare three different rescheduling schemes for statically scheduled processor architectures. One of the rescheduling schemes is software-based while the others are based on hardware support. The rescheduling becomes necessary if the compiler generated schedule for a static scheduled processor architecture must be changed in-the-field because of a permanent fault in the data path of the processor. By comparing the hardware and software-based rescheduling schemes we can show that our proposed software-based rescheduling scheme in many cases reduces the worst-case latency of the executed program in the presence of a permanent fault.