Virtual Hospitals Support Healthcare at Home
Konferenz: Ambient Assisted Living - AAL - 1. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung / Technologien - Anwendungen - Management
30.01.2008 - 01.02.2008 in Berlin, Germany
Tagungsband: Ambient Assisted Living - AAL
Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Graschew, Georgi; Roelofs, Theo A.; Rakowsky, Stefan; Schlag, Peter M. (Surgical Research Unit OP 2000, Robert-Roessle-Klinik and Max-Delbrueck-Center, Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Lindenberger Weg 80, 13125 Berlin, Germany)
Telemedicine and eHealth offer great opportunities to meet the challenges of an aging society and geographically isolated areas. The challenge of healthcare at home is to provide a flexible and efficient mean to implement healthcare at home on a broad scale. Through the integration of the various services and platforms Virtual Hospitals will support equal access to healthcare for all, anytime, anywhere (ubiquitous health: u-Health). The Virtual Hospital will provide a strategy to extend healthcare delivery beyond the classical physical hospital structures, extending Virtual Hospitals to include also the field of homecare. Healthcare at home comprises intelligent houses, emergency services, positioning devices, monitoring services, etc. The application of advanced telecommunications networks and services to healthcare practices is still evolving and further technological developments like intelligent data mining tools, Health GRID computing and personal assistants (avatars) are needed.