Unequal Weighting for Precise Positioning in GPS-less Sensor Networks

Konferenz: KiVS 2007 - Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen - 15. ITG/GI-Fachtagung
26.02.2007 - 02.03.2007 in Bern, Schweiz

Tagungsband: KiVS 2007

Seiten: 12Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Haenselmann, Thomas; Busse, Marcel; King, Thomas; Effelsberg, Wolfgang (Computer Science IV, University of Mannheim, A5(6), 68159 Mannheim, Germany)

The world coordinates of an unlocalized node in a wireless sensor network can be determined GPS-less with the help of established neighbors, that already have obtained their coordinates by means of triangulation. It is state of the art to improve a position estimate by taking an average of several estimates, if available. In this paper, we will present an analytical approach to decrease the expected error of the average calculation, only by using information which is already available.