Potentialities for an innovative power supply for Smart Clothes

Konferenz: IFAWC 2006 - 3rd International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing 2006
15.03.2006 - 16.03.2006 in Bremen, Germany

Tagungsband: IFAWC 2006

Seiten: 2Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Rupp, Martin (Bekleidungsphysiologisches Institut Hohenstein e.V., Schloss Hohenstein, 74357 Bönnigheim, Germany)

The development of Smart Clothes is a promising new market for the clothing industry and trade. Nearly all of these new products use electric power to run the electronic or microsystem devices, integrated into the garment. The availability of robust and flexible solar cells makes it possible to avoid complicated and uncomfortable processes of charging batteries or accumulators. The integration of solar systems into Smart Clothes result in a mobile socket for any kind of device. The Smart Clothes Solutions can be autarkic or can lengthen at least the running time of the equipment carried on.