Smart Gloves – Dreaming the Future

Konferenz: IFAWC 2006 - 3rd International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing 2006
15.03.2006 - 16.03.2006 in Bremen, Germany

Tagungsband: IFAWC 2006

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Rahe, Detlef (i/i/d - Institut für Integriertes Design an der Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Am Speicher XI, Abt.7, Boden 3, 28217 Bremen)

The i/i/d Institute of Integrated Design develops on behalf of companies and organisations user-oriented innovations and design solutions to improve their competitiveness and success of products. The i/i/d is a multidisciplinary centre for research and development. Designers, artists, scientists, architects and engineers work together on innovative design solutions. The institute was founded in 1998 when its director, Detlef Rahe, was appointed a professor for 3-di. Design at the University of the Arts Bremen (HfK). The i/i/d has a cooperation agreement with the HfK and is a company within Steinbeis Group, Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG for technology transfer. The institute is based in an old warehouse called ‘Speicher XI’ in the harbour quarter. Integrated design supports on the one hand the interdisciplinary collaboration of different design disciplines (as communication design, industrial design, architectural design or strategic design) and coordinates on the other hand the management and synchronization of all design activities with processes of research, development and innovations – all with strong user-focus from the early start of projects. Main activities of the i/i/d are research, development and optimization of the man-made environment and the intensifying of relations between user and product.