On Designing a Burst-Sensitive RED Queue at GPRS Links in a Heterogeneous Mobile Environment

Konferenz: PIMRC 2005 - 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
11.09.2005 - 14.09.2005 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: PIMRC 2005

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Zhang, J.; Pearce, D. A. J. (Communications Research Group, Department of Electronics, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK)

In the context of a heterogeneous mobile environment, we analyze the RED queue design guidelines specifically for GPRS links, and show the benefits of deploying active queue management (AQM) strategies at wireless access links. Moreover, addressing the general problem (an insensitivity to input traffic load variation) of current AQM schemes, we introduce the Burst-Sensitive RED (BSRED) algorithm, and demonstrate its improved performance on burst detection by simulation. With a properly set BSRED queue, the GPRS link queue length can be maintained in a desired range, so that the GPRS link capacity can be fully utilized without introducing too long queuing delays, and the overflow possibility of the GPRS link buffer is kept low on vertical handoffs.