Energy Savings at Deutsche Telekom - Two Case Studies

Konferenz: Intelec '05 - Telecommunications Conference - 27th International Telecommunication Energy Conference
18.09.2005 - 22.09.2005 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: Intelec '05 - Telecommunications Conference

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Eichinger, Franz (DeTe Immobilien, Munich, Germany)

DeTe Immobilien is the organization within the Deutsche Telekom Group that is responsible for facility management. The company manages a total of about 35,000 facilities, with total power consumption of about 2.3 TWh. Energy management, a part of technical facility management, is responsible for planning, execution and ongoing monitoring of energy efficiency measures, taking business administrative perspectives into account. The company considered a large number of different facilities in the interest of achieving cost savings. The strategy was to look at groups of similar facilities, to optimize the scheduling and finances for each group type and then to use business cases to describe measures and conditions for pertinent nationwide implementation.