A systematic approach for the design of context-aware components
Konferenz: IFAWC - International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing - 2nd International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing 2005
17.03.2005 - 18.03.2005 in Zurich, Switzerland
Tagungsband: IFAWC - International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing
Seiten: 12Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Sbodio, Marco Luca (Hewlett-Packard, Italy Innovation Center, Italy)
Thronicke, Wolfgang (Siemens Business Services GmbH & coOHG, Germany)
This paper presents a conceptual model for context representation and processing tasks. It describes an extendable, ontology-based approach for context representation. Instead of monolithic, single purpose, context processing solutions, the authors suggest a generic approach to define contexts, their processing and refinement to high-level, problem-oriented states. Our approach intends to enhance reusability and general applicability.