Comprehensive Assessment of the Condition and Importance of Equipment in the Electricity and Gas Sector for the Optimal Extent of Technical Lifespans and Management of Maintenance Measures

Konferenz: VDE Hochspannungstechnik - 5. ETG-Fachtagung
11.11.2024-13.11.2024 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: ETG-Fb. 175: VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2024

Seiten: 7Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Goebelsmann, Fabian; Bondorf, Max; Zdrallek, Markus; Ferrari, Roberto; Ploetz, Sigrid; Wahl, Mirko

In order to do justice to the increasing relevance of the grid infrastructure at the equipment level in the context of sector coupling, comprehensive approaches to asset management are absolutely essential. Currently, the assessment of the con-dition and importance of equipment is carried out in completely different ways, even within the electricity and gas sector, meaning that it is impossible to compare the assessment results. This is where the present contribution comes in by pre-senting a method for standardizing the variously generated key indicators and rendering them comparable. A method based on z-standardization is used to standardize the different types of condition indicators, which unifies the evaluation results of the different scales on a common z-value scale. In addition, transformation matrices can be set up which directly convert equipment-specific condition indicators into comprehensive condition indicators. The abstract z-value scale can be translated into a simple interpretable scale by means of a suitable assignment rule. In order to generate comparable importance indicators, a comprehensive evaluation system based on the master data of the individual pieces of equipment is used. This allows the technical condition and importance of the individual pieces of equipment to be directly compared. On this basis, condition- and reliability-based strategies can be implemented to control renewal and maintenance measures in asset management. This leads to better extent of technical service lifespans and consequently to a distribution of financial resources in line with requirements. For immediate implementation in asset management systems, various options for generating prioritized list to plan the necessary measures are demonstrated. This results in new scope for action and planning for asset management.