On the Transient of DC Fault Current Interruption for Evaluating HVDC Cable Performance

Konferenz: VDE Hochspannungstechnik - 5. ETG-Fachtagung
11.11.2024-13.11.2024 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: ETG-Fb. 175: VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2024

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Karmokar, Tanumay; Shetgaonkar, Ajay; Popov, Marjan

This paper presents an analytical framework for understanding DC fault current interruption dynamics using fundamental electrical circuit principles. It examines the interruption mechanisms of a DC circuit breaker with a detailed HVDC cable model through Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) simulations. The research integrates analytical and numerical simulation approaches during fault conditions to assess varying parameters for the impact of DC fault current interruption on estimating the resulting cable stresses. This research aims to advance HVDC transmission technology by providing a com-prehensive understanding of DC fault current interruption dynamics of cable-based networks.