Beam-Forming and -Steering in Optical Wireless Communication using Piezoelectric Actuators and Micro-Lenses

Konferenz: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
22.09.2024-26.09.2024 in Frankfurt, Germany

Tagungsband: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Muller, Eduardo; Song, Yuchen; Koonen, Ton; Tangdiongga, Eduward

We demonstrated significant improvements of the beam steering in a OWC system, with the use silicon micro-lenses. Achieving angles of 51.3 deg horizontally and 22.4 deg vertically, at 10Gbps data rate, by moving the light source, using piezo-electric actuators, on the focal plane of a lens.