300-GHz-band Frequency Hopping with a Single Tunable Laser Diode for Secure THz Communication

Konferenz: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
22.09.2024-26.09.2024 in Frankfurt, Germany

Tagungsband: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Masutomi, Naoto; Ye, Shenghong; Li, Bo; Kaide, Ryota; Che, Ming; Mikami, Yuya; Ueda, Yuta; Kato, Kazutoshi

The novel technique of generating THz waves using photomixing with a single tunable laser diode was applied to the frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) system for secure THz communication. Experimental results successfully demonstrated the 300-GHz-band FHSS system with 200-ns-interval frequency hopping.