High-Concentration Bend-Insensitive Erbium-doped Fiber for Amplified Pluggable Coherent Transceivers

Konferenz: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
22.09.2024-26.09.2024 in Frankfurt, Germany

Tagungsband: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Holguin-Lerma, Jorge A.; Hurley, Jason E.; Dejneka, Matthew J.; Downie, John D.; Li, Ming-Jun; Zhang, Haitao; Gray, Mark; Clark, Jeffrey; Su, Hui

A 26 cm long silica-based erbium-doped fiber configured in a 3 mm bend radius coil yields at least 15 dB of gain across the C-band with 100 mW pump power. We demonstrate a reach increase of 400G ZR coherent transmission from 60 km to 135 km.