A Packaged 1.6 Tb/s O-band Optical Transceiver Based on the Hybrid Integration of SiGe Electronics and InP-Polymer Photonics
Konferenz: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
22.09.2024-26.09.2024 in Frankfurt, Germany
Tagungsband: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024
Seiten: 3Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
Andrianopoulos, Efstathios; Niu, Shengpu; Van Kerrebrouck, Joris; Weigel, Madeleine; Tegegne, Zerihun G.; De Felipe, David; Gupta, Υ Durvasa; De Bruyn, Kieran; Lambrecht, Joris; Coudyzer, Gertjan; Verbeke, Marijn; Theurer, Michael; Kresse, Martin; Kyriazi, Evrydiki; Megas, Georgios; Tsokos, Christos; Kouloumentas, Christos; Massaouti, Maria; Moehrle, Martin; Runge, Patrick; Yin, Xin; van Kerkhof, Joost; Keil, Norbert; Groumas, Panos; Avramopoulos, Hercules; Bauwelinck, Johan
We present and experimentally demonstrate a packaged O-band 1.6 Tb/s capable optical transceiver based on SiGe electronic and InP-Polymer photonic integrated circuits, showing a singlechannel record-high bit-rate distance transmission product of 3720 Gb/skm.