Space-Division Multiplexed Transmission from the Lab to the Field

Konferenz: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
22.09.2024-26.09.2024 in Frankfurt, Germany

Tagungsband: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Antonelli, C.; Mecozzi, A.; Marotta, A.; Graziosi, F.; Di Sciullo, G.; Shaji, D. A.; Wu, Qi; Ribezzo, D.; Mazur, M.; Fontaine, N.; Dallachiesa, L.; Ryf, R.; Luis, R.; Puttnam, B.; Furukawa, H.; Rademacher, G.; Emmerich, R.; Schubert, C.; Hayashi, T.; Nakanishi, T.; Nagashima, T.; Sillard, P.; Bacco, D.; Zavatta, A.; Zahidy, M.; Oxenlowe, L.; Cappelletti, M.; Orsuti, D.; Palmieri, L.; Parolari, P.; Gatto, A.; Fasano, M.; Boffi, P.; Sambo, N.; Carena, A.; Nespola, A.; Guerrier, S.; Dorize, C.; Renaudier, J.; Hoghooghi, N.; Quinlan, F.

A fiber-optic infrastructure for space-division multiplexed transmission has been established in the Italian city of L’Aquila and is now expanding. In this paper we review lessons learned and achieve-ments from half a decade of operating field-deployed multi-core and few-mode fibers for spatial multi-plexing.