Application of Basis-Splines for Trajectory Planning in Highway Scenarios

Konferenz: AmEC 2024 – Automotive meets Electronics & Control - 14. GMM Symposium
14.03.2024-15.03.2024 in Dortmund, Germany

Tagungsband: GMM-Fb. 108: AmEC 2024

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Dorpmueller, Philip; Bertram, Torsten (TU Dortmund, Institute of Control Theory and Systems Engineering, Dortmund, Germany)
Schmitz, Thomas; Bejagam, Naveen (ZF Group, Automated Driving and Integral Cognitive Safety, Düsseldorf, Germany)

Many approaches plan an automated vehicle’s future motion by solving an optimal control problem (OCP). This work discusses the criteria for the OCP design in automated highway driving. The criteria are applied to extend an existing spline-based motion planning algorithm with an additional target manifold and cost features. The resulting planning algorithm is applied to a merge-in maneuver, where the impact of cost weights on the driven trajectory and OCP complexity is evaluated. It is observed that the positive effects of additional features on the closed-loop trajectory are limited by the trajectory parameterization. However, it provides a regularization if the trajectory consists of multiple polynomial segments.