Reliable Low Latency Wireless Communication Enabling Industrial Mobile Control and Safety Applications
Konferenz: Mobilkommunikation – Technologien und Anwendungen - 23. ITG-Fachtagung
16.05.2018 - 17.05.2018 in Osnabrück, Deutschland
Tagungsband: Mobilkommunikation – Technologien und Anwendungen
Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Melnyk, Sergiy; Tesfay, Abraham Gebru; Alam, Khurshid; Schotten, Hans D. (Intelligent Networks, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), Kaserslautern, Germany)
Sark, Vladica; Maletic, Nebojsa; Ramadan, Mohammed; Ehrig, Marcus (IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany)
Augustin, Thomas R.; Anwar, Waqar; Danneberg, Martin; Franchi, Norman; Fettweis, Gerhard (Vodafone Chair Mobile Communication Systems, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Advanced industrial applications for human-machine interaction such as augmented reality support for maintenance works or mobile control panels for operating production facility set high demands on underlying wireless connectivity solution. Based on 802.11 standard, this paper proposes a concept of a new system, which is capable of those requirements. For increasing reliability, an agile triple-band (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 60 GHz) communication system can be used. In order to deal with latency and deterministic channel access, PHY andMAC techniques such as new waveforms or hybridMAC schemes are investigated. Integration of precise localization introduces new possibilities for safety-critical applications.