Next Generation Industrial Radio LAN for Tactile and Safety Applications
Konferenz: Mobilkommunikation – Technologien und Anwendungen - 22. ITG-Fachtagung
09.05.2017 - 10.05.2017 in Osnabrück, Deutschland
Tagungsband: Mobilkommunikation – Technologien und Anwendungen
Seiten: 7Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Melnyk, Sergiy; Tesfay, Abraham; Schotten, Hans; Rambach, Jason; Stricker, Didier (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Petri, Markus; Ehrig, Marcus (IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany)
Augustin, Thomas; Franchi, Norman; Fettweis, Gerhard (Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Artemenko, Oleksandr (Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering, Renningen, Germany)
Schneider, Michael (Bosch Rexroth AG, Lohr am Main, Germany)
Aleksy, Markus (ABB Corporate Research Center Germany, Ladenburg, Germany)
Advanced industrial applications as augmented reality support for maintenance works or mobile control panels require new reliable wireless connectivity solutions that are not available today. Based on an analysis of some representative use cases, this paper identifies and quantitatively describes the resulting requirements on the wireless systems and provides a comparison to state of the art solutions. In a second part, this paper introduces a new industrial radio concept that is able to meet the derived requirements. The overall concept and the most important features allowing to meet the requirements is discussed in detail.