Efficient Provision of Ancillary Services by Decentralized, Volatile Generating Units
Konferenz: Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets 2015 - Beiträge der ETG-Fachtagung
25.03.2015 - 26.03.2015 in Kassel, Deutschland
Tagungsband: Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets 2015
Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Ohsenbrügge, A.; Blank, Marita; Lehnhoff, Sebastian (OFFIS – Institut für Informatik, FuE Bereich Energie, Oldenburg, Deutschland)
Sonnenschein, Michael (Universität Oldenburg, Dept. für Informatik, Oldenburg, Deutschland)
The increase of renewable energy resources leads to the substitution of large-scale power plants. Coalitions of distributed units such as consumers, producers and storage devices must provide ancillary services for frequency and voltage control. This implies two main challenges: the volatile character of those units must be taken into account for both, the dimensioning of frequency control reserves and the provision of those reserves. In this paper, a new method for dynamic dimensioning of frequency control reserve is discussed and a model for estimating the resulting error is given. Furthermore, a concept for dynamic provision of frequency control by distributed coalitions is introduced and a model for assessing the remaining risk is proposed.