Multi-UAV Node Placement Strategies for Meshed Field Coverage

Konferenz: ISWCS 2013 - The Tenth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems
27.08.2013 - 30.08.2013 in Ilmenau, Deutschland

Tagungsband: ISWCS 2013

Seiten: 3Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Dietrich, Thomas; Maschotta, Ralph; Zimmermann, Armin (Department for System and Software Engineering, Ilmenau University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany)

The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) rang-es from commercial surveillance and reconnaissance mis-sions to semi-professional and private applications. With ongoing improvements in the area of embedded automa-tion systems and autonomous multicopter aircrafts, the quadcopter platform got more and more interesting in re-search and development.