Cognitive Relay: Detecting Spectrum Holes in a Dynamic Scenario

Konferenz: ISWCS 2013 - The Tenth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems
27.08.2013 - 30.08.2013 in Ilmenau, Deutschland

Tagungsband: ISWCS 2013

Seiten: 2Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Kaushik, Ankit; Mueller, Marcus; Jondral, Friedrich K. (Communications Engineering Lab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)

Cognitive radio as first coined by Mitola in 1999 illustrates a dynamic model that provides human intervention to the underlying radio hardware. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is one of the many applications of cognitive radio. The DSA umbrella considers the secondary usage of the spectrum. On these grounds, we meant to design a working prototype for Cognitive Relay (CR), a device that dynamically accesses the spectrum to support wireless services operating indoor.