Differential Geometric Methods for Jump Effects in Nonlinear Circuits

Konferenz: NDES 2012 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems
11.07.2012 - 13.07.2012 in Wolfenbüttel, Germany

Tagungsband: NDES 2012

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Thiessen, Tina; Mathis, Wolfgang (Institute of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Leibniz University of Hanover, 30167, Hanover, Germany)
Gutschke, Martin; Blanke, Philipp; Wolter, Franz-Erich (Welfenlab – Division of Computer Graphics, Leibniz University of Hanover, 30167, Hanover, Germany)

We present efficient algorithms for the simulation of problematic circuits with fast switching behavior based on the idea of tracing significant sets on the state space manifold. The switching behavior is represented by “jumps” from one part of the manifold to another. Our approach makes a regularization of the circuit unnecessary. In this article, we extend our approach to circuits with higher codimensions and jump spaces and verify the functionality by the application to a simple MOS flip flop. Furthermore, we show how to visualize the phenomena by using a special projection.