Stable Scatterers Detection and Tracking in Heterogeneous Clutter by Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry
Konferenz: EUSAR 2012 - 9th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
23.04.2012 - 26.04.2012 in Nuremberg, Germany
Tagungsband: EUSAR 2012
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Anghel, Andrei (Grenoble-Image-sPeach-Signal-Automatics Lab, CNRS / Grenoble-INP, FRANCE)
Ovarlez, Jean-Philippe (ONERA, France)
d’Urso, Guy; Boldo, Didier (EDF R&D, STEP, France)
This paper presents a novel strategy for Stable Scatterers detection and tracking by repeat-pass SAR interferometry by coupling sub-band / sub-aperture decomposition prior to the GLRT-LQ detector. The proposed method is tested with spaceborne InSAR images provided by the TerraSAR-X satellite.