ASQ Meta-Scenarios: A Generalized Approach for Requirements Classification of Interconnection Goods

Konferenz: CTTE 2011 - 10th Conference of Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics
16.05.2011 - 18.05.2011 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: CTTE 2011

Seiten: 9Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Zwickl, Patrick; Reichl, Peter (FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria)
Reichl, Peter (Université Européenne de Bretagne, France)
Ghezzi, Antonio (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Italy)
Johansen, Finn Tore; Lønsethagen, Håkon (Telenor Corporate Development, Norway)
Georgiades, Michael (PrimeTel PLC, Cyprus)
Cairano-Gilfedder, Carla Di (BT I&D, Ipswich, Great Britain)

The identification of viable scenarios for analyzing and simulating future network services is considered a key requirement for identifying their potential economic success. In this paper, we describe a requirements classification concept for interconnection services with assured service quality (ASQ) which allows to objectively describe IC challenges (i. e., technical and economical realization efforts) in a use-case independent manner with respect to technological and economical constraints. For this purpose, a meta-scenario framework is proposed abstracting use-case scenarios by classifying their requirements arising from network configurations. This concept allows an abstract view on ASQ goods requirements, which is the precursor of the random generation of meta-scenarios. Altogether, the proposed framework is intended to reduce redundancies in scenario-based analysis in order to support the efficient development of new network concepts.