Novel Voltage Balancer for an Electric Double Layer Capacitor by using Forward Converter
Konferenz: telescon(R) 2009 - Power Supply Quality and Efficiency - 4th International Telecommunication - Energy special conference
10.05.2009 - 13.05.2009 in Vienna, Austria
Tagungsband: telescon(R) 2009 - Power Supply Quality and Efficiency
Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Matsui, Keiju; Shimada, Hiroto; Hasegawa, Masaru (Chubu University, Japan)
EDLCs (Electric Double Layer Capacitors) offer high energy density and long life span, so various applications may be anticipated in the realm of energy storage devices, such as those used in electric vehicles or electric power stabilisation in power systems, etc. However, since the voltage limit of the devices is low, it is necessary to connect them in series or parallel. In addition, it is required that they be used in the region of their critical voltage or capacity limits. In order to apply them efficiently, the devices should be used with balanced voltage. Firstly, the authors discuss a conventional method, using a forward converter, and then propose a modified novel simple solution. Characteristics of the proposed circuit are analized and discussed.