A Synthesis Technique for Multiband Tunable Impedance Matching Networks with Optimized Matching Domain
Konferenz: GeMiC 2009 - German Microwave Conference
16.03.2009 - 18.03.2009 in München, Germany
Tagungsband: GeMiC 2009
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Karabey, Onur Hamza; Zheng, Yuliang; Gaebler, Alexander; Goelden, Felix; Jakoby, Rolf (Microwave Engineering, TU Darmstadt, Merckstr. 25, Darmstadt, 64283 Germany)
This paper presents a new multiband double matching synthesis method which is derived from the Real Frequency Technique (RFT). Afterwards, the limitations of the matching range of Tunable Matching Networks (TMN) are investigated. Then based on novel numerical relations, a new polynomial level TMN synthesis method is proposed. The matching networks obtained in this work are compared with those obtained by the RFT and finally a dual-band TMN prototype operating in the GSM and UMTS bands is demonstrated.