60 GHz Wireless Photonic Link System for 12.5Gb/s Data Transmission
Konferenz: Photonische Netze - 9. ITG-Fachtagung
28.04.2008 - 29.04.2008 in Leipzig, Germany
Tagungsband: Photonische Netze
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Stöhr, Andreas; Weiß, Mario; Fedderwitz, Sascha; Jäger, Dieter (Universität Duisburg-Essen, ZHO-Optoelelektronik, Lotharstr. 55, 47057 Duisburg, Germany)
Huchard, Mathieu; Charbonnier, Benoit (France Telecom Research and Development, 2 Av. Pierre Marzin, 22300 Lannion, France)
We present a 60 GHz photonic millimeter-wave wireless link system for short to medium-range broadband data transmission. The system employs advanced mm-wave photonic components and radio-over-fiber (RoF) techniques for the generation of a DSB-SC optical mm-wave carrier as well as its subsequent OOK modulation and fiber-optic transmission. For short range in-door wireless experiments, we have constructed a compact wireless RoF transmitter consisting of a high-frequency photodiode and a mm-wave antenna only, i.e. no electrical amplifier was used for in-door experiments. Employing this RoF transmitter, the system achieved broadband wireless in-door transmission of up to 12.5 Gb/s signals (231 - 1 PRBS, NRZ) with a receiver sensitivity as low as -45.4dBm. We even demonstrate 12.5 Gb/s in-door transmission when operating the mm-wave transmitter in a passive mode, i.e. without any electrical power supply. For medium-range out-door wireless access experiments an electrical RF amplifier was employed in the RoF transmitter. Here we achieved 12.5 Gb/s and 10.3125 Gb/s transmission in out-door line-of-sight (LoS) experiments over wireless distances of up to 20 m and 40 m, respectively. We expect these distances to be mainly limited by the antenna gain (20dBi) and the bandwidth of the amplifier in the RoF transmitter. When using high gain antennas and an RF transmitter amplifier with a sufficient bandwidth we have calculated that the maximum wireless distance the system could accommodate for 12.5 Gb/s is in the km-range.