Normally-On devices and circuits, SiC and high temperature: using SiC JFETs in power converters
Konferenz: CIPS 2008 - 5th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
11.03.2008 - 13.03.2008 in Nuremberg, Germany
Tagungsband: CIPS 2008
Seiten: 7Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Bergogne, Dominique; Morel, Hervé; Tournier, Dominique; Allard, Bruno; Planson, Dominique; Raynaud, Christophe; Lazar, Mihai (AMPERE, INSA-Lyon, F-69621, France)
SiC is compared on a physical basis to Si. SiC devices offer lower On-resistance and operating temperatures over 300deg C. It is shown that inverters using normally-On power switches do not differ from inverters based on normally-Off devices when the gate driver is taken into account. Basic building blocs ofa Gate driver are proposed using solely SiC Normally-On JFETs. Principal issues with SiC JFET power converters are listed.