Compact Power Electronics due to SiC Devices

Konferenz: CIPS 2008 - 5th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
11.03.2008 - 13.03.2008 in Nuremberg, Germany

Tagungsband: CIPS 2008

Seiten: 9Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Friedrichs, Peter (SiCED Electronics Development GmbH & Co. KG, a Siemens Company, Germany)

The paper will comment on the role of SiC power devices in compact power electronics, characterized by extremely small volumes and high power densities. Starting with a short introduction to the specific properties of silicon carbide power semiconductors it will be sketched how these features can be favourably used in order to minimize the volume of power electronic components. Especially fast Schottky barrier diodes as well as VJFET based power switches will be introduces and discussed. Examples will be given for typical solutions in power electronics like power supplies or frequency converters using SiC components. Finally, a critical consideration outlining the borders in power density and peripheral components will be added in order to point out that an isolated focus on the semiconductor components alone e.g. will not be sufficient for exploiting the full potential of high density power electronics.