Efficiency Considerations of Tuneable Liquid Crystal Microwave Devices

Konferenz: GeMIC 2008 - German Microwave Conference
10.03.2008 - 12.03.2008 in Hamburg-Harburg, Germany

Tagungsband: GeMIC 2008

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Gaebler, Alexander; Goelden, Felix; Mueller, Stefan; Jakoby, Rolf (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Wireless Communication Lab, Merckstr. 25, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany)

This paper shows, based on a developed simulation tool, the results of a parametric study of different transmission line topologies regarding the tuning efficiency when controllable anisotropic dielectrics are used. At first a short introduction of the properties of liquid crystals (LC), representing such a controllable dielectric, is given as well as the theoretical models used for the physical simulation of LCs. Then, this scheme will be applied to study the tuning efficiency of different line types and dimension parameters which include a comparison with measured results. Subsequently, a new tuning concept, based on quasi orthogonal electric bias fields, will be introduced and analyzed.