Two years of MARSIS observations

Konferenz: EUSAR 2008 - 7th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
02.06.2008 - 05.06.2008 in Friedrichshafen, Germany

Tagungsband: EUSAR 2008

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Kofman , Wlodek (Laboratoire de Planetologie de Grenoble CNRS/UJF, Grenoble, France)
Plaut, Jeffrey; Safaeinili, Ali (Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA, US)
Picardi, Giovanni (Infocom Rome, Italy)

After the presentation of MARSIS radar system we discuss the signal processing that is necessary to extract data from the reflected signal. The most important effect is to correct the ionospheric dispersion of the signal. Once this is done, the study of the surface and subsurface echoes is possible. The Total Electron Content of the ionosphere is a sub-product of this processing. We show some results of TEC correlated with the crustal magnetic field. The planet mapping progress is presented. Then the observations of regions of the south polar layered deposits are shown. Some comparison with SHARAD data will also be discussed. The maps of the interior of polar deposits are shown and examined. The thin layering outside of polar deposits is also observed. We show some observations and discuss their significance. Finally we present the major scientific results of MARSIS observations.