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IEC TS 62876-4-1:2025

Nanomanufacturing – Reliability assessment – Part 4-1: Nanophotonic products – Optical stability test of quantum dot enabled light conversion films: Temperature, humidity and light exposure

Ausgabedatum: 2025-02
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 24 VDE-Artnr.: 254854


IEC TS 62876-4-1:2025, which is a Technical Specification, establishes a general reliability testing programme to verify the reliability of the performance of quantum dots nanomaterials, and quantum dot enabled light conversion films (Q-LCFs).
The Q-LCF is used as subassemblies for the fabrication of nano-enabled photoelectrical display devices, mainly liquid crystal display (LCD) currently, with other components.
This testing programme defines standardized aging conditions, methodologies and data assessment for Q-LCF product.
The results of these tests define a stability under standardized aging conditions for quantitative evaluation of the reliability of the Q-LCF.
The procedures specified in this document were designed for Q-LCF but can be extended to serve as a guideline for other kinds of light conversion films or related subassemblies as well.