Cover IEC PAS 61340-5-6:2022

IEC PAS 61340-5-6:2022

Electrostatics - Part 5-6 : Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - Process assessment techniques

Ausgabedatum: 2022-06
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 54 VDE-Artnr.: 251001


IEC PAS 61340-5-6:2022 describe a set of methodologies, techniques, and tools that can be used to characterize a process where ESD sensitive (ESDS) items are handled. The process assessment covers risks by charged personnel, ungrounded conductors, charged ESDS items, and ESDS items in an electrostatic field. This document applies to activities that manufacture, process, assemble, install, package, label, service, test, inspect, transport, or otherwise handle electrical or electronic parts, assemblies, and equipment susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharges. This document does not apply to electrically initiated explosive items, flammable liquids, or powders. The document does not address program management, compliance verification, troubleshooting, or program manager/coordinator certification. In this version of the document, risks due to electromagnetic sources that produce AC fields are not considered.