Cover IEC 61936-1:2021

IEC 61936-1:2021

Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC - Part 1: AC

Ausgabedatum: 2021-07
Edition: 3.0
Sprache: EN-FR - zweisprachig englisch/französisch
Seitenzahl: 245 VDE-Artnr.: 250103


IEC 61936-1:2021 provides requirements for the design and the erection of electrical power installations in systems with nominal voltages exceeding 1 kV AC and nominal frequency up to and including 60 Hz, so as to provide safety and proper functioning for the use intended.
This document does not apply to the design and erection of any of the following:
– overhead and underground lines between separate electrical power installations;
– electrified railway tracks and rolling stock;
– mining equipment and installations;
– fluorescent lamp installations;
– installations on ships according to IEC 60092 (all parts) and offshore units according to IEC 61892 (all parts), which are used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, processing and storage purposes;
– electrostatic equipment (e.g. electrostatic precipitators, spray-painting units);
– test sites;
– medical equipment, e.g. medical X-ray equipment.
This document does not apply to the design of prefabricated, type-tested switchgear and high voltage/low voltage prefabricated substation, for which separate IEC standards exist.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

  1. introduction has been rewritten to reflect the status when this document is produced;
  2. the scope has been improved to clarify the application of this document;
  3. missing and obsolete terms and definitions have been updated including improvement of existing terms;
  4. Table 1 has been updated where agreements between supplier and user are needed;
  5. requirements of electromagnetic compatibility have been clarified;
  6. insulation coordination clause (Clause 5) has improved wording for better clarity and the technical content has an updated coordination to the latest versions of the insulation coordination standards;
  7. wording regarding electrical equipment has been improved and made clearer;
  8. subclause for fuses has been improved and reworded;
  9. requirements have been added for labelling when multiple sources are required to be disconnected;
  10. missing requirements for GIS have been reintroduced;
  11. subclause regarding ventilation (HVAC) has been improved;
  12. figures in Clause 7 have been updated and moved to the corresponding subclause;
  13. requirements for transformer installations have been improved including adjustment of editorial typing-errors;
  14. clause on protection, automation and auxiliary systems has been restructured and improved;
  15. protection against lightning strokes has been extended;
  16. clarification of content due to the distinction between erection (and providing electrical safety for the intended use of the electrical power installation) and subsequent activities such as maintenance and repair with safe working procedures;
  17. where no provincial, national or regional regulations are available for safe working procedures, an informative guideline is provided in Annex F. This replaces the former parts of Figure 3 in Clause 7.

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