Cover IEC 63193:2020

IEC 63193:2020

Lead-acid batteries for propulsion power of lightweight vehicles - General requirements and methods of test

Ausgabedatum: 2020-11
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN-FR - zweisprachig englisch/französisch
Seitenzahl: 115 VDE-Artnr.: 249330


IEC 63193:2020 is applicable to lead-acid batteries powering electric two-wheelers (mopeds) and three-wheelers (e-rickshaws and delivery vehicles), and also to golf cars and similar light utility and multi-passenger vehicles.
The document specifies methods of tests tailored to batteries destined for the above-referenced types of vehicles so as to ensure satisfactory and safe battery performance in the intended application.
This document does not apply for example to lead-acid cells and batteries used for:
vehicle engine starting applications (IEC 60095 series);
traction applications (IEC 60254 series);
stationary applications (IEC 60896 series);
general purpose applications (IEC 61056 series); or to
motorized wheelchairs and similar personal assist vehicles

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Kiefer, Gerhard; Schmolke, Herbert; Callondann, Karsten

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Wegweiser für Elektrofachkräfte

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