Cover IEC 61400-27-1:2020

IEC 61400-27-1:2020

Wind energy generation systems - Part 27-1: Electrical simulation models - Generic models

Ausgabedatum: 2020-07
Edition: 2.0
Sprache: EN-FR - zweisprachig englisch/französisch
Seitenzahl: 194 VDE-Artnr.: 249034


IEC 61400-27-1:2020 defines standard electrical simulation models for wind turbines and wind power plants. The specified models are time domain positive sequence simulation models, intended to be used in power system and grid stability analyses. The models are applicable for dynamic simulations of short term stability in power systems. This document defines the generic terms and parameters for the electrical simulation models.
This document specifies electrical simulation models for the generic wind power plant topologies / configurations currently on the market. The wind power plant models include wind turbines, wind power plant control and auxiliary equipment. The wind power plant models are described in a modular way which can be applied for future wind power plant concepts and with different wind turbine concepts.

Buchtitel Format
Bergmann, Arno


Normgerecht errichten, betreiben, herstellen und konstruieren Erläuterungen zu den Normen der Reihe DIN EN 61400 (VDE 0127) und DIN EN 60076-1 (VDE 0532-76-16) und unter Berücksichtigung der VDE- Anwendungsregel VDE-AR-N 4105 und weiterer Regelwerke
VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 158

2015, 116 Seiten, Din A5, Broschur

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